Support Bolstered Conservation Funding in Maryland

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Maryland Senate Bill 327 is a large conservation funding and access package that has the ability to hugely impact conservation funding in Maryland, benefiting all Marylanders.

Sign Here. Let The MD Legislature Know You Support SB 327.

*The National Deer Association collects contact information for the purpose of directing your petition to the proper Maryland state legislators.

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Why Support Maryland Senate Bill 327?

Support SB 327

Please join the NDA in supporting this important legislation. The bill would provide nearly $9 million annually in additional conservation funding that will go directly into conservation programs all Marylanders care about. Click below to ask your lawmakers to support SB 327.



The NDA’s mission relies on science-based wildlife management decisions and strong conservation funding programs. SB 327 provides both. The bill bolsters conservation funding while opening or expanding access for hunters and establishing a better program/division within DNR for expanded and updated hunter recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3). Additionally, the bill includes important provisions to continue to repeal antiquated blue laws preventing sportsmen and women from hunting on Sundays.

Specific provisions of the bill the NDA supports include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing the price of the resident and non-resident hunting licenses by a few dollars;
  • Establishing a sika deer stamp to hunt sika deer;
  • Removing the prohibition against hunting waterfowl on Sundays;
  • Establishing the “Wildlife Conservation, Education, and Outreach Program” to provide outdoor recreation, hunting and wildlife conservation education to underserved communities; and
  • Allowing non-resident students attending a college or university in Maryland to obtain a hunting license at the resident rate.

The bill will be heard by the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee on February 15, and additional constituent support is needed to ensure the bill makes it to the full Senate floor.